Monday, August 22, 2011

Week 6 Photo Challenge: Special Effects

Special effects in audio is something I like learning about. I did a project recently that required the use of some effects. It was for an cut scene to the video game, “Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee.” It was basically about how this sea creature’s race just up and disappears one day and he is the only one left. He goes on a search to find them but what he thought was the call of one his people was actually a trap set by the aliens that had captured everyone else.

The task for this project was to replace all the sound with new original sounds. This scene tasks place in the ocean and in the forest. The creature, Munch, is what I perceived to be part alien and part sea animal. I manipulated his voice so that he sounded somewhat human and somewhat like an alien using various plug-ins and sound effects.

Replacing the natural-sounding elements of the scene like the ocean and land sounds was quite fun. I was to do this by using everyday items to create the sound of water and rolling waves. After added some cool effects like a dull drum and underwater effect, it sounded beyond real. It was pretty cool.

Lastly were the sounds of the spacecrafts. I had some sounds that I had never used for a previous project that made the perfect noise for a spaceship, of course after some processing. I added some synthesizer sounds for the power up and power downs and some alien effects and voila…it was complete. I am really proud of how it turned out.

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